Experimental Image::BoxFind module:    Image/t/00-basics-scan_right_one_pix-major_color-average_color.t

     # Test file created outside of h2xs framework.
# Run this like so: `perl Image-BoxFind.t'
#   doom@kzsu.stanford.edu     2007/09/29 05:22:54


use warnings;
use strict;

my $DEBUG = 0;

use Data::Dumper;

use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 17 };

use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../..";

  use_ok( 'Image::BoxFind' );

ok(1, "Traditional: If we made it this far, we're ok.");

{ # *Now* it's possible to initialize object without an image_file
  my $test_name = "basic instantiation";
  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new();
  my $class = ref $bf;
  is( $class, "Image::BoxFind", "Testing $test_name" );

  my $test_name = "getting dimensions of an image";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/simple_test.jpeg";
  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  my ($height, $width) = $bf->dimensions();
  is( $height, 50 ,"Testing $test_name: height" );
  is( $width,  150 ,"Testing $test_name: width" );

  my $test_name = "getting background color of an image";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/simple_test.jpeg";
  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  my $bg_color_string = $bf->background_color();
  my $white = 65535;
  is( $bg_color_string, "$white,$white,$white,0" ,"Testing $test_name" );

  my $test_name = "scan for change in background color";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/simple_test.jpeg";
  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  $bf->set_cursor_y( 25 );
  $bf->set_cursor_x( 0 );

  my $x_value = $bf->scan_right_one_pix;

  is( $x_value, 15 ,"Testing $test_name: horizontally" );

  $bf->set_cursor_y( 0 );
  $bf->set_cursor_x( 70 );

  my $y_value = $bf->scan_down_one_pix;
  is( $y_value, 2 ,"Testing $test_name: vertically" );

  $bf->set_cursor_y( 25 );
  $y_value = $bf->scan_down_one_pix;
  is( $y_value, 30 ,"Testing $test_name: restarted vertical" );

  my $test_name = "major_color method";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/gimp_open_dialog.png"; # better than jpeg

  my @spots = (
   [ 25,   25 ],
   [ 200, 200 ],
   [ 200, 350 ],
   [ 220, 110 ],

  # verified via the gimp
  my @expects = (

  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  # currently the defaults, but this might change
  $bf->set_spotsize_x( 10 );
  $bf->set_spotsize_y( 10 );

  foreach my $spot (@spots) {
    my $expect = shift @expects ;

    my ($x, $y) = @{ $spot };

    $bf->set_cursor_x( $x );
    $bf->set_cursor_y( $y );

    my $c = $bf->major_color();

    is( $c, $expect, "Testing $test_name: ($x, $y) - $expect");

  my $test_name = "average_color method";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/gimp_open_dialog.png"; # better than jpeg

  my @spots = (
   [ 25,   25 ],
   [ 200, 200 ],
   [ 200, 350 ],
   [ 220, 110 ],

  my @expects = (  # values not yet verified TODO

  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  # currently the defaults, but this might change
  $bf->set_spotsize_x( 10 );
  $bf->set_spotsize_y( 10 );

  foreach my $spot (@spots) {
    my $expect = shift @expects ;

    my ($x, $y) = @{ $spot };

    $bf->set_cursor_x( $x );
    $bf->set_cursor_y( $y );

    my $c = $bf->average_color();

    is( $c, $expect, "Testing $test_name: ($x, $y) - $expect");


Joseph Brenner, Tue Nov 27 17:40:02 2007