February 27, 2005
                                            March    29, 2005

A recent dream:

There were two guys writing something
together, using a method that was
something like filling in the blanks on
a standard template; they were writing
a story by following an outline based
on some psychological theory.

Someone else was watching them
write and tried to puzzle it out.

One of the guys writing it (who has
now become the older gray-bearded
version of Allen Ginsberg) smiles and

"He knows we're _______ but he
doesn't know what."

The term he used in that
blank is lost now.                Though the following morning
                                  I tried hard to commit it to
                                  memory (but didn't write it
                                  down... the bed side notebook
                                  was out of reach, and I just
                                  fell back asleep).

It was an odd term, whose
meaning was not at all
apparent from the way it

It was a vague relative of
some pomo jargon like
"deconstruct", but the way it
was related wasn't at all

I have the feeling that it
began with an "a", possibly
something like "antistructing"
or "anastructing".

"He knows we're anastructing,
but he doesn't know what."

     In the dream, the meaning
     was clear: implementing an
     outline, following a plan,                 If you were inclined
     using a theory to create with.             to anastruct, what
                                                template would you
