February  6, 2010
                                             September 6, 2013

Richard Posner, from
"Public Intellectuals:
A Study in Decline", p.103:

    "Camille Paglia is a substantially less
    distinguished academic than any I have
    mentioned thus far, and she writes really
    wild public-intellectual stuff-- though
    no wilder than Chomsky's"

Oh please.  Take a random sample of Chomsky, and
you'll find a dry, droning, reminder that
there's a big gap between US actions and ideals;
take a random sample of Paglia and you'll find
someone trying really hard to be outrageous,
often engaging in attacks on a personal level.

The fact that you can find *some* examples of
Chomsky saying something weak if you look *really*
hard is nearly meaningless: he's been doing this
for *decades* his body of work is huge.

You don't get to judge people by the worst thing
they've ever said.  If so, there wouldn't be any
point in combing through Posner's dubious body
of work...

    This is a man who tried to defend the
    Supreme Court's interference in the
    2000 presidential election.

                   Paglia vs Chomsky!
                   And the loser is... Posner!

                   (Nay, the loser is-- ourselves.)
