January   29, 2011
                                             September 10, 2013

Chalmers Johnson,
"Nemesis" (2006):

  Looking through some of Chalmers
  Johnson's "Blowback trilogy", I                   The question, then is why
  see that he's a fellow who's had                  haven't we all gotten the
  global politics well understood                   word yet.
  for some time.
                                                    Though I wouldn't take it
    His claim to fame is the book "Blowback"        as a given that Chalmers
    which was published shortly before              Johnson's understanding
    9/11, and argued that we could expect           was perfect, just better
    violent reprisals for our nations               than most.
    "covert operations", making the point
    that few of us would even be able to
    understand why we were attacked, because
    that actions that provoke such things
    are kept secret from us.

        What interests me most about Johnson
        is the tentative ray of hope he held           DEATH_OF_THE_REPUBLIC
        out for the United States: it is
        possible, if not likely, that we will
        take the path of the British, and
        surrender our empire in order to
        preserve our democracy.

[NEXT - DENIAL_2004]