July 16, 2015


    "Looking back a generation after 1960, young Americans
    find it hard to grasp how Kennedy, Nixon, and the bulk
    of their associates could have been so upset by Castro
    as a Communist and why Kennedy's intelligence agents,
    in particular, spent time and money during his years in
    office trying to get the man killed.  The vehemence is
    hard to understand unless one recollects that until
    1960 most Americans saw Cuba as a permanent and natural
    dependency of Washington, almost as much a part of the
    United States as the Canal Zone, a cross between
    contemporary Puerto Rico and Las Vegas with the bonus
    of Havana cigars (then considered as American as apple
    pie)." (p.148)

    Richard E. Neustadt and Ernest R. May, "Thinking in Time" (1984)

