To seek cognitive dissonance...

I watch the way most people
charge ahead with their own
train of thought, refusing to
consider possible counter-
arguments, refusing to see
anything that might contradict
their world view.

One thought:  How can I get
through to people like this?
What's the right approach
to plant doubt in the mind
of a fanatic?

A second thought:  What if I                 But be reasonable! I put so
am also a person like this?                  much energy into questioning
                                             myself... it's so rare when
What can you do to check your                someone else can challenge
own blind spots?                             me with a thought I haven't
                                             had before.
One answer: pay
attention to the                                  It's entirely possible
enemy.  Take their                                that I spend too much
arguments seriously.       Here's an              time keeping myself honest.
Make sure you can          assignment:
really refute them to      read                                  To really
your own satisfaction.     Thurow's                              accomplish
                           "Zero-Sum                             anything
But this is *really*       Solution".                            you have
hard work.  It's so                                              to take
much easier to learn          Choosing such                      a stand,
something from sources        assignments is                     try to 
with prejudices that          difficult.  How                    defend a
agree with your own.          do you judge the                   position.
The elements fit into         value of a work  
your own conceptual           when your first  
framework smoothly,           impulse is to    			 Whether or 
without a lot of              say it has none? 			 not it's 
reshuffling and							 an honest 
reorganizing.							 position or 
								 a correct 
Much more efficient for 					 position... 
me to read Milton       					 maybe that's 
Friedman then, rather                                            someone 
than Lester Thurow.                                              else's 
                                                MANIFESTO        problem.
A perfect example: 			       
H.G. Well's _The Outline 		          You can rely on adversaries 
of History_. 				          to arise around you, without
        				          creating them in your own   
An overview of a subject        	          head.                       
that I'm weaker in than I       	                                      
should be, but written          	  
from a point of view that                                             
I'm in sympathy with.                                                 

     Similar attitudes toward 
     human freedom 
     technical progress 

        SIZE                         And I didn't need
                                     to read trendy stuff
                                     repeatedly emphasizing things like:
            I was pleased to see                     
            that Wells is hardly            The dark ages weren't so dark. 
A similar   a flaming socialist,            Women were alive back then. 
idea: to    though of course he's           Western culture isn't perfect. 
learn       no Von Mises.                   African cultures are cool, too. 
about the                  
bible I          The Outline also works 
should           as a historical document 
track            in it's own right: I can                   
down             get a sense of what a    
Asimov's         prominent intellectual of     
Guide,           the time thought about   
and read         the shape of the world         
about it         between the World Wars.     
from the                                     
point of                  In the final section,    
view of a                 he goes into the case 
rational                  for a world government. 
Asimov's understand-
ing is not likely to                                      
be very deep, but                                         
depth can be an                Asimov's guide to Shakespere    
impediment in the              is interesting for the same    
early stages of                reasons.  He tends to focus    
learning about                 on the elementary history that    
something.                     serious Shakespere scholars   
                               regard as beneath them.        
Maybe I should supply my                                  
own "deep" interpretations          And mostly he                   
without having to fight             gives creative                
the author's.                       interpretations
                                    a rest.        
