June 17, 2004

  (1) perfect, optimal

  (2) primally stunning,
      beyond question,
      beyond reason
  (3) classic, uncontroversial,
      symmetric balance.

  (4) truth              PRETTY_TRUE

  (5) deep love that redeems any aspect

  (6) lust

  (7) an idealized, mythical, impossibility

  (8) the real                                              Eight?  A nice
                                                            round number.


         individual esthetic vs consensus esthetic

         beautiful and good

              You might jump off a cliff
              for a beautiful show on the way down,
              but it's probably not good for you.
                                                       That's a short-term/
                                                       long-term distinction.

                                                       Beauty is immediate.

                                             (Like, pleasure
                                              is short and
                                              happiness long?)

                                               " 'Unbearably beautiful!':
                                               You can (1) eat it up
                                               (2) fuck it to orgasm and
  "Some beauties delight the eye but           lose the energy of desire
  don't captivate the heart; just as           (3) be heartsick because it
  well, because if all beauty did              will pass away,
  inspire love and conquer hearts,             (4) weep for paradise lost. "
  people's affections would forever
  be wandering this way and that                     "Five Years"
  without knowing where to come to                   by Paul Goodman, p. 8
  rest-- there's an infinite number
  of beautiful people, so the
  affections would be infinite, too."

    "Don Quixote" by Cervantes,                   GOLDEN_SPHERE
    Part 1, Chapter XIV, p. 109
    Marcela, explaining that
    Grisóstomo was a chump.
