[PREV - KZSU]    [TOP]


                                        October 11, 1995

Occasionally, I get to see
some listener complaints about                There's a tradition of trying
what KZSU does on the air.                    to take any listener response
                                              very seriously, no matter how
One of the striking things                    negative it may seem.  But
about them is how often      But then,        it's often quite difficult to
they seem very clueless.     it's also        see a constructive way to take
                             striking         the criticism.
                             how clueless
                             I can be...

Because I'm the kind of person
who classifies things, I'm going
to try to sort the kinds of
cluelessness into categories.

(1) Factual errors.

Complaints about the
programming that directly
contradicts what's really               Someone might complain
there.  "Why do you always              about how there's way too much
play X?", "Why don't you ever           jazz on the air,
play Y?".                               when a glance at the schedule
                                        reveals very few jazz shows.
                                        Once someone complained in
                                        print that we never play cool
                                        stuff like Jawbreaker when
                                        their CD was number one on our
                                        charts for weeks.  Other
                                        people have complained about a
                                        preponderance of metal at
                                        times when there was only one
                                        or two metal shows on.  And so

 (2) Ignorance
 of the
 realities of

       You should really do
       more public affairs
       programming. Like
       interviews with
       Stanford administrators
       and professors.

       Standard answer:
       Would you like to do a show
       like that?  Come to the next
       organizational meeting, we'll
       put you to work on it.

 (3) Ignorance of
 the bandwidth
 limit of a
 single radio

 One frequency,
 one signal, but
 many different kinds
 of programming.

              Why don't you do only what I like?

              Answer: because there are a lot of
              different things that different people

                    Some stations do a good job
                    focusing on just one
                    (e.g. KCSM's light weight,      There's a problem
                    retro-jazz), but KZSU has       with specialization
                    chosen to try to do many        in that it tends to
                    things.                         shuts out the new.
                                                    When a new musical style
                                                    comes along, it's
                                                    hard to justify
                                                    switching an entire
                                                    radio station to
                                                    a new format catering
                                                    to that.

                                                    But a place like KZSU
                                                    can easily drop in a
                                                    new 3 hour show dedicated
                                                    to whatever the DJ is
                                                    passionate about.

                                                    It's the beauty of the
                                                    non-commercial world
                                                    that this doesn't need
                                                    to be justified in terms
                                                    of audience share & ad
                                                    revenues.  All it takes
                                                    is one maniac, and the
                                                    new sound is out there.

 (4) Ignorance of the
 political landscape that
 the station exists in.

       Why do you broadcast
       so much of that sports

	      Answer: Because it's hugely
	      popular.  Even if the station
	      management wanted to get rid
	      of it, it wouldn't take the
	      board of directors long to
	      dump any management regime
	      that dumped sports.

But I think all of this
cluelessness is entirely
understandable.  If you
don't like a station a
lot, you're not going to
spend a lot of time
listening to it.  So of
course, the people
complaining seem
unfamiliar with what
they're complaining about.

Since few people listen to
radio the way they do to TV		  Which reminds me:
(consulting a schedule,			  (5) Why don't you make it
setting aside time for their		  easier to know what's going
favorite show-- or setting		  to be on?  Ever heard of
up an automatic recorder)		  block programming?
you get people whose
schedule just happens to		  Trust me, we've heard of it.
cause them to tune in during              Dedicating a whole week long
the one death metal show		  timeslot to one format
that they can't stand.			  is almost as bad as
					  dedicating the entire station
					  to one format: the extreme
They may not even understand		  rigidity tends to shut out
how diverse KZSU is compared		  any possibility of new kinds
to the commercially stations		  of programming.
they listen to, which would
lead them to feel that a		  It would also create serious
couple of listens should be		  difficulties in matching up
adequate to evaluate what's		  volunteer DJs to the approved
on the air.				  formats.

 					          I think advocates of
What's more, an organization			  block programming should
like KZSU is more volatile			  explain where they think
than they realize: DJs and			  the hip-hop block should
program directors are				  go.  The number of hip-hop
constantly changing and an			  shows floats between 5 - 7
impression formed just a			  or so, so there's almost
year ago may be completely			  enough for a whole block.
out of date now.				  Historically, KZSU has
 						  been a leader in getting
 						  hip-hop on the air, and the
In this light, I find it			  Sunday night show "The Drum"
really amusing to read my			  has a huge following.
own old comments on local			  Moving it would not improve
radio before I got involved			  the predictability of
at KZSU.					  KZSU's sound: So, *every*
 				   		  night, 6pm-9pm, should be

   KZSU                                             This will typically shut
                                                    up most block programming
                                                    fanatics, who seem to be
   KFJC                                             envisioning things like
                                                    a prime-time Classic Rock

                                             Oh and:
                                             (6) Why don't you do more
                                             stuff like those big
                                             commercial stations.

                                             (a) Because the big commercial
                                             stations are doing it already.

                                             (b) Because it actually isn't
                                             easy to find people to
                                             volunteer to promote a genre
                                             that's already heavily promoted
                                             (it is easy to find people who
                                             think someone else should do it).

                                        There's an interesting
                                        conspiracy theory that
                                        that comes up every so
                                        often that the current
                                        station management of
 You want to know how                   freaks and snobs must
 to get a classic rock                  be *preventing* anyone
 show on the air at KZSU?               from doing a classic
                                        rock show.
 (1) Find someone who's
 really willing to do one,              The three most popular
 not just complain that                 music shows cater to
 someone should.                        Blues, Country/Bluegrass
                                        and Hip-Hop.  At no time
 (2) Write on the show                  in the last ten years has
 application something                  there been a program
 like this:                             director that favors these
    I want to explore the                                             
    music in this genre                    (It's possible to recognize 
    that's neglected by the                that a DJ is doing a good           
    narrow playlists of                    show, even if you don't like        
    the big commerical                     the music they're playing.)         
    stations. E.g. Jimi                                                        
    Hendrix recorded a                                                         
    lot of great stuff                                                        
    besides "All Along the
    Watchtower."  I'd also
    like to dig up obscure
    bands that have been
    forgotten for no good
    reason, like say "The
    Thirteenth Floor

                                         April 22, 2007:

                                         In recent years the "classic rock"
                                         fascists seem to have faded away.
                                         Now we get "indie"-rock fascists.

                                             Hey, here's a great new
                                             idea: all Nirvanna all 
                                             the time!  Well, maybe
                                             with some Radiohead.

                                             What?  How dare you call
                                             my ideas stupid!  Help,
                                             I'm being oppressed.
