June 17, 2008

 " 'You've only talked like that since you became a
    horrid what's-his-name.  You know what I mean.  What do you
    call a man who wants to embrace the chimney-sweep?'

    'A saint,' said Father Brown

    'I think,' said Sir Leopold, with a supercilious smile,
    'that Ruby means a Socialist.'

     'A radical does not mean a man who lives on radishes,'
     remarked Crook, with some impatience; 'and a
     Conservative does not mean a man who preserves jam.
     Neither, I assure you, does a Socialist mean a man who
     desires a social evening with the chimney-sweep.  A
     Socialist means a man who wants all the chimneys swept
     and all the chimney-sweeps paid for it.'

     'But who won't allow you,' put in the priest in a low
     voice, 'to own your own soot.' "

           -- "The Flying Stars",
               G.K. Chesterton

