January 8, 2010

Precious little can be
found on the web on the        The net often seems like a
subject of Fonghooism.         repository of strange
                               trivia and bizarre
                               intellectual off-shoots,
   Some of the best            but there's often very
   material is some            little record of things
   tantalyzing hints           from the pre-web era, save
   from WBAI folios            for the most obivous.
   of the early 70s,
   put on line by                   Without looking, I
   the Pacifica                     can tell you that there
   Archives.                        are wikipedia pages about
                                    The Church of the Sub-genius.

I believe this is                       But the earlier alternative
some self-description                   religion, Fonghooism has
written by the master                   nary a mention.
                                           (Ah, where are the
  "he now stands in total                  snowjobs of yesteryear...)
  isolation, a figure who has
  willed his own failure and
  has constructed out of his
  anonymity a myth of heroic
  nobodyness a religion called

  He alludes to

    "his theory of the necessary
    and inescapable multiphrenia       MANIACS
    of the human psyche"

    There's a mention of an issue
    I don't remember him talking

       "the struggle between the androids
       and the humanoids in Civil War II"
             Though that does sound like
             an all-too-familiar problem.

                                        February  4, 2013

    I just thought to check again,
    and now I see that there's a
    cassette tape of some Fonghooist
    material filed away in the Allen
    Ginsberg papers (which are filed
    away at Stanford somewhere):


         Cassette Box 47, Audiocassette 2640

         Excerpts from Lou Gallo's Broadcasts on WBAI

         Scope and Content Note

         On his religion: the 85 steps of                           
         Fonghooism. "A Guru Aghast in Gehenna,"                     85_STEPS
         --Civil War II. --"Like You're Nobody."

                                       October  9, 2019
  And now, the pacifica radio archives has a recording listed:
