September 10, 2006      
Burning Man has become a                                              
festering pit of some of                                              
the worst music imaginable.                                           
It's largely a populist event,                                        
and combined with the common            And there are apparently      
kitsch esthetic, that leads to          many people around ready      
things like the camp "Where             to engage in radical          
pancakes are served when soft           self-expression by            
rock is heard."                         blasting "Sweet Home          
                                        Alabama" at high volume.      
  It is, admittedly, funny hanging                                    
  around with a tent full of                                          
  hipsters doing ironic sing-alongs        ("Goddamn it, KFOG         
  with Billy Joel music... but a            is what I'm about!")      
  little of this goes a long way.                                     
Then there's the endless                                              
which is complained about so                                          
often that they make an effort     I have a higher tolerance for this 
to create a ghetto for it over     music than many people do -- I used
on the two-o'clock side of the     to listen to it voluntarily back in
horseshoe.                         the mid-90s when it was new.       
                                   Back then the styles of             VISION
  Then you get to                  techno-house were constantly       
  listen to it blasting            shifting.  You wouldn't hear       
  all night from the               the same track two weeks           
  roving party-mobiles             running.                            
  (I mean, "art cars").                                               
                                   But here we are ten years later and 
     We were hiding out            nothing could be more generic...       
     on the 9 o'clock side                                                
     this year, but we                  Deeet deet-deet deet-deet         
     were in the chaotic                Deeet deet-deet deet-deet         
     outskirts where any                                                  
     one could drive up.                                                  
         Next door someone                                           
         set-up a bar, with                                          
         a sound system         The sound system:
         across the street      an ipod pushing
         and a small sign:      the limits of something
         "Camp Loud".           barely better than a
                                car stereo.

                                   What's better than
                                   loud, bad music?

                                   *Distorted* loud, bad
                                    music, without any bass!


                The techno is not
                the worst of it...          Funk music parties
                                            by people who've
                                            never heard of
                                            George Clinton.
But still:

   Once again we didn't get to
   do "Death Guild/Thunderdome",
   and they were presumably                And we were doing a quickie
   doing their usual okay                  4-5 day run.  Arguably we
   80s/gothic-industrial mix.              should've been there longer,
                                           and stayed away from the
   There was a chill space                 party-party weekend scene
   playing Chopin Nocturnes this           surrounding the burn of the man.
   year, which we went looking
   for but had trouble finding.

   I was considering trying to get into
   Hookah Dome, which often plays some
   good middle-eastern music -- but the
   long lines, and the inevitable smoke
   held us off.

     I used the computer system
     at Center Camp to do
     searches on "Morrocan":
     found a few hits, but didn't    Quip from a friend: "It
     get to follow them up.          would be funny if an
                                     underground scene
                                     developed at Burning Man."

                                     Places you can go
                                     to get away from
                                     the mainstream...

                                        It's a thought:

                                            The Ice-Man

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And to close on a                                  ||||
positive note (much as                             ||||
it always pains me):                               ||||

  We did hear some
  good good live music:

    o  female/male vox (with throat singing)       (Center Camp)
    o  kid with a tiny casio and lots of filters   (Center Camp)
    o  guy on an acoustic guitar                   (Spirt Wind Cafe)
