(early 90s)

Picked up a copy of Miracle Man
on a whim: Pretty damn weird ass              (It turns out this was my
shit...                                       introduction to the writer
                                              Neil Gaiman; albeit doing
   Couple of years in the future, an          riffs with some of Alan
   alien named Mors is running around         Moore's material...)
   designing bodies and performing
   He's created something like
   16 identical copies of Andy Warhol.

      The viewpoint character is Warhol #6,
      who is playing guide to some newly
      ressurected mad genius/great dictator
      figure. The mad genius was killed by      (More accurately, he was
      his son, the title character "Miracle     killed by "his creation".)
      Man" (who in fact has zilch to do
      with this story).

   This story has been zinging around
   in my head for a few days.

                                                                 (but why?)
