May     31, 2010                 
                                             Jun      3, 2010                 
                                             October 26, 2013                 
                                               Plato's "Gorgias" (380 BC)       
  The direction Plato leads off with           Translated by Benjamin Jowett  
  in the dialog Gorgias is remarkably                                         
  weak.  Rhetoric uses words, and yet                                         
  there are other fields that also                                            
  use words, but are regarded as         If you weren't sold on the idea of   
  primarily concerned with something     rigid, well-defined categories, you  
  else, so what is it that Rhetoric      might just say that there's overlap  
  is concerned with?                     between these fields, and that       
                                         sometimes these other professions    
     The question they're                are also concerned with Rhetoric.    
     trying to get at is                                                      
     "what use of words is                                                    
     rhetoric concerned with?"                                                
                                         In reading Gorgias, I formed, as I      
  I would have guessed Socrates          remember it, two impressions:        
  would answer that rhetoric is                                               
  concerned with lies, but               Throughout, I remember Plato relying 
  instead he answers "persuasion".       on his usual weak sock-puppet        
                                         "dialog", where people answer           
  Or a *sort* of persuasion, in          Socrates precisely as Plato needs        
  politics and law, it is                them to, no matter how fantastic.       
  regarded as the "greatest                                                      
  art" because it translates             But I also have a note that I thought    
  into power...                          the personality of Socrates             
                                         disputants comes through well, and       
  Rhetoric is inferior because           you can (usually) imagine real people    
  it is not concerned with               taking the line that they take.          
  knowledge, but merely belief.                                                   
  It's purpose is persuasion of              At the moment I don't know           
  the ignorant multitude.                    how to resolve both impressions.     
    (Aka "marketing".)                        (Maybe I should assign them        
                                              to two different *characters*,     
                                              and write a dialog about the       
                                              dialog... or maybe not.)          