January  8, 2006

This is becoming something of a standard
rap with me, so let's go over it quickly:

   "Huckleberry Finn" is severely overrated.

Isn't it wonderful how Twain captured the
ills afflicting society of the time with
two abused individuals who are never
happy unless they're drifting alone down        And what is it about
stream?                                         interracial homosexuality
                                                that makes it a
   Or could it be that Twain                    requirement for Great
   himself was drifting,                        American novels?
   cranking out newspaper                       Both Huck Finn and Moby
   serial installments on the                   Dick push that button.
   fly, never happy except when
   his characters are out on                        Racial differences
   the river, living out                            as a stand-in for
   picaresque, idyllic scenes                       the Other that
   that he can write in his                         appeals to the
   sleep while praying for the                      hetero?
   next plot development to
   emerge?                                          The conviction
                                                    that sex is evil
      And then finally, boxed                       and nasty that
      into a corner by word                         drives you toward
      count and that inevitable                     intercourse with
      southern drift toward                         the Low?
      disaster, Twain pulls a
      happy ending out of a hat,                    Some sort of guilt
      and papers over the Deus                      reaction, a desire
      ex Machina with some                          to treat the wronged
      crowd-pleasing Tom Sawyer                     and oppressed with
      nonsense.                                     love?

         RETCON               Just a hawkin'
                              and a spittin'
