September 30, 2013

It's supposed to have all begun with
"The Homebrew Computer Club", though
Bill Gates, for example, was not a       He was certainly aware of
member.  He lived in the wrong part      them, however, and published 
of the country.                          in their journal.

I've heard it said that all members               MICRO_SAGA
of the Homebrew Computer Club became
rich, except for the one guy who
started a computer repair business.       The Computer Repair business was
                                          still there in the mid-80s, when
That would seem to be an                  I got to Stanford: a dusty little
exaggeration, however... another          place in a strip mall on El
member was John Draper, who has           Camino, near California Avenue.
certainly suceeded in living an 
interesting life, but I don't   
think you could say he got rich 
doing it.                       
