May     31, 2010
                                             October 28, 2013

    POLUS: Then clearly, Socrates, you would say that
           you did not even know whether the great king
           was a happy man?

 SOCRATES: And I should speak the truth; for I do not
           know how he stands in the matter of education
           and justice.

   POLUS:  What! and does all happiness consist in this?

 SOCRATES: Yes, indeed, Polus, that is my doctrine; the men
           and women who are gentle and good are also happy,
           as I maintain, and the unjust and evil are
I'm extremely impatient with the            
line of argument Socrates is                
making, though I am in essential      
agreement with the conclusion.  
The "anything I can get away with"
guys are typically being too
clever. I would say they are going
through a lot of trouble for a kind       ENOUGH_IS_ENOUGH
of gain that doesn't really gain you
all that much.
I think this goes down better when set       
up as a utilitarian argument rather than        He only barely acknowledges
via Socrates and his deranged premises          the possibility that that
and silly pseudo-syllogisms.                    there might be a difference
                                                between the individual good
                                                and the general good, and ends
                                                up denying it.  Waving away
                                                the existence of a core
                                                problem is not likely to
                                                be a fruitful approach.
