The way the argument goes against
 alternatives to serial monogamy:
  "Open relationships seem so shallow."

                      Why doesn't anyone ever go around
                      measuring the depth of monogamous
  "And they're so unstable."

                      Most monogamous relationships are
                      unstable too.  Usually people just try

 "It seems so meaningless."
                    If it were meaningless, then why *not* 
                    do it sometimes? Like eating cookies. 
                    Just because it's not ideal isn't 
                    a reason to avoid it.  Is it harmful in
                    moderation?  If not, then just be
                    moderate about it.

 "Casual sex is degrading."

                      Not everyone feels that way.
                      If you do, then don't do it.
                      (Do you find casual dinner
                      parties degrading?) 

 "Sex should be an expression of

                     Ok.  How about a tight, intimate 
                     relationship between three people? 
 "What about AIDS?"                                    
                     That's a good reason for playing           AIDSMYTHS
                     with latex, a lousy reason for not
                     having sex.                       
