February 27, 2002
                                     Revised:  November 19, 2004

Why not make some small changes
in appearence if that's all it 
takes to win approval?         
Why not wear a mask?           
   Because it damages you in ways     
   that you can't see.                
   Because if you do nothing but      
   live behind masks, your true       
   face atrophies from disuse.            Masks sometimes get 
                                          stuck in place.
   Because life is not a Mission      
   Impossible episode, and in         
   reality no one is ever fooled      
   by a mask.                         
          They all know that             
          that's a plastic face.         
              Maybe they're reassured that   
              you're a plastic person too.   
                 (Do you *want* their approval?)
   Because "silence is death",        
   and always wearing the             
   appropriate masks is just a        
   way of hiding your silence         
   under noise.                       
   Because while being liked by some  
   may be a necessity, needing to be  
   liked by all is a tremendous       
       You've got to be up front about   
       you are, if only to screen out the
       people who can't deal with what   
       you are.                          
