December 30, 2012

  From the American super-hero
  comic book world comes the      At least I think that's where
  long-established tradition      it comes from.  The Origin
  of the "origin story":          may have some other origin...

  This is how the character
  came to be what they are,
  a flashback that involves               Typical series
  an actual transformation.               fiction involves
                                          a circular plot:
                                          a problem arises,
                                          it's dealt with,
     In the case of the Stan              and we return to
     Lee/ Jack Kirby work, the            the initial
     origin was often a                   situation, awaiting
     variation of the "biter              the next problem.
     bit".  The main character
     starts out as a selfish                          This structure is
     jerk, they recieve their                         fundamentally at
     comeuppance, go through a                        war with what
     period of torment, and        BITER_BIT          we're often taught
     emerge transformed,                              is the central
     stronger, and more                               purpose of fiction:
     altruistic.                                      to portray a
                                                      transformation of
           Dr. Strange                                Once the "origin" is
                                                      over, we achieve
