May      6, 2016
                                             October  5, 2016


  "...  It doesn’t matter how many ways
  they try to justify it, whether it’s
  within the text ('she’s a cyborg, she
  can look however she wants') or via       But she is a cyborg, and
  interviews (they needed a bankable star   she can, and does look
  to get funding), the implications of      like whatever she wants.
  this decision are not good."
                                                       But that justification
   The need for a "bankable star"                      doesn't matter... why?
   arguably has bad implications                       (because I say so?  Oh,
   in itself.                                          that settles it then).

   It's the kind of
   thing that made me       But, none of the people
   give up on Hollywood     commenting on the net have
   product years ago...     any of their own money or
   How is it possible       careers on the line.
   for them to generate
   something worth              The producers of the movie make
   caring about while           the rather unexciting defense
   constantly trying to         that before they can raise
   make "safe" decisions?       billions of dollars, they need to
                                put together a package with a
   The raging meh-factor        reassuring chance of success,
   in Hollywood movies          hence Johansson who is apparently
   is one of many things        honey to the box office flies
   that makes the passion       these days.
   underlying this
   dispute truly amazing.           They assert that there aren't any
   You care deeply about            Asian stars as bright as Johansson
   how they crap-up the             in the field of female-action-movie
   next crappy movie?               stars-- and for all I know that's
   Why?                             correct.

      WOODEN_CORE                       It's not the same thing as saying their
                                        aren't any, and the commenters tend to
                                        list some of them.  A common suggestion
                                        is Rinko Kikuchi ("Pacific Rim").

                                        And it also doesn't prove that a Big
                                        Star is necessary, but you know, if
                                        you're investing a billion or so, you
                                        might find yourself suddenly being
                                        cautious about decisions like that.

   The implicit belief that Hollywood
   is supposed to be a cultural
   leader, rather than a follower
   seems peculiar... how could it be?

        It actually hasn't been in anything
        like recent memory, has it?

           The mainstream mass media is at best
           a secondary repeater... it means
           something when Hollywood does it,
           much as it means something if the
           Pope murmurs some lukewarm assent of
           a position activists have taken for
           years.  If the Pope went the other
           way, it would mean next to nothing.
