May     31, 2010
                                             October 27, 2013
So, up among the
true, artful form
of politics, we
have a subdivision...

  justice vs            And on the physical level       medicine vs
  legislative.          that somehow parallels...       gymnastics

  enforcement of law,
  legal process
                                        By what Jowett calls "gymnastic",
  legistlative:                         I imagine Plato must have meant
  creation of law,                      something like what we would call
  political process                     "medical science", a science of
                                        health, and his "medicine" is the
   (Or what *we* would                  application of that science.
   call political...
   Plato has them                             But then it would be
   both under politics.
   Anything involving                         legislative -> medicine
   the polity?)                               justice     -> gymnastics
