Written: mid-1980s.
                                           Rev: January 31, 2007

The standard male fantasy
is supposed to be polygyny,
multiple women, one man...       The way it often actually
                                 works is that the male
   The funny thing is it         involved is distressed to
   seems to be the common        discover that the women
   female fantasy as well.       don't regard him as the     (Don't ask me
                                 sole focus.                  why that's
        "All women are                                        so disturbing.)
        bisexual." as the
        kid in "Murmurs of
        the Heart" insists.

                               No less a source than "West
                               Magazine" reports that Bisexual
                               women are in high demand amongst
                               "swingers"... Bisexual men on
                               the other hand are avoided like --
