April 1993

Sean Casey:
> And who's to say eroticism doesn't have it's part at raves? Why does
> everyone try to hide it or think that it's a bad thing?

Well the idea with me isn't so much to run away from
eroticism (I couldn't care less if you've got images of
naked women around), but to realize that raves are a very
broad based movement with lots of different kinds of people,
and you've got to have some respect for their
tastes/inhibitions/whatever or your going to drive a lot of
them away.  

It's like that flyer for "Sin" awhile back with the picture
of a couple fucking on it.  My reaction was not "how
disgusting" but how astoundingly clueless.  What kind of
frat-boy jock assholes were they trying to attract?  Didn't
they realize how many women they were driving away with that
kind of advertising?

And we've all seen the way "eroticism" works in the singles
bar scene, and we'd do almost anything to stay away from
that particular nightmare... people get so focused on
getting laid that they can't even talk to each other like
human beings (and consequently can't get laid either).

Actually, I think it's one of the reasons you might get
women dancing topless at a rave is that they feel
*comfortable* there. 

(There's other things I could say... like there's an
unresolved tension between "raves as a mass movement"
and "raves as an elite, underground,
sub-culture"... but I'll save it for another day.)
