November 21, 2007

Another pattern:
Radical thinkers always want to     
be Radical, and choose their        
ideas to match that esthetic.       
   There may be merit in the
   rhetorical move of saying
   "human thought is not
   wild, it is beyond wild"

   But the reason that they
   say this is largely                     
   because they like the          And that's also the     
   way it sounds --               reason I quoted it.     
      Taking a line like "it's                            
      not wild, therefore it's                           
      domesticated" is too dull.                                 
                                      (Or the various other moderate      
                                      stances-- partially tamed, but     
                                      only partially.)                   
Similarly, Bob Black in his attack
on the stultifying qualities of Work
in the western world sneers at mere
reformers who want to make Work suck
a little less.

He prefers sweeping radical attacks
on the whole institution.                          I sometimes think
                                                   of this as "heavy
But in the mean time, wouldn't it                  metal philosophy".
be nice if it sucked a little less?
