April  9, 2007

   "The Zen of Python" by TimPeters:

     13. There should be one --
         and preferably only
         one -- obvious way to
         do it.


  If there should be only one
  way to do it, then shouldn't
  we only have one programming
  language? Oh wait: multiple
  programming languages are good              KNOWLEDGE_IS_GOOD
  because they expose people to
  different styles of thinking,
  and that provides the valuable
  intellectual exercise that
  turns you into a Real
  Programmer. But exposure to
  programming in perl provides
  too much intellectual
  exercise, and should be
  avoided as a waste of mental
  effort. All those different
  modules available on CPAN are
  liable to make your head                    The importance of a
  explode. So you should stick                straight-jacket
  to the straight-and-narrow run              language: it forces
  of a straight-jacket language               you to code in a
  that enforces a single type of              standard, easily
  programming discipline on you,              readable fashion,
  but you also need to break out              without having to
  of that straight-jacket and                 think about it very
  try on other straight-jackets               much... because
  because a wide experience with              thinking is bad for
  many types of straight-jackets              you, except when it
  is what it takes to know which              isn't.
  straight-jacket to wear for
  every occasion).                               And hard work is good
                                                 for the soul, so you
       I love hanging out                        should work very hard
       with programmers.                         on making things easy
                                                 for yourself.
         They're such
         logical,                                    And when you're done
         reasonable                                  with that, throw it
         people.                                     all away and re-write
                                                     it in the language-of-
