January 23, 2014
                                                      October  6, 2018
I had a note here, written four years ago:

  "link to speculation on methods beyond science,
   or in addition to science?"

I have no idea what I was thinking about.
Feel free to do some web searches, that's
what I'd have to do.

                          Some thoughts for another day:

                          If we're going to talk about proto-sciences,
                          can we come up with a "proto-scientific method"?

                          Since science itself is not really that systematic,
                          isn't it possible that social changes could
                          undermine it's "magic"?

                          Since we can record data about scientific activity--
                          and presumably conduct experiments on different
                          approaches-- it really should be possible to
                          develop a "meta-science".

                          Couldn't the same techniques be used to improve
                          intellectual processes in other fields, scientific
                          or not?
