January 16, 2018

Appignanesi has argued that Freud's
understanding was in agreement with              APPY_POLY_OGGIES
other intellectuals:
                                                         From the NYRB,
   "Yet his [Freud's] Viennese contemporaries,           October 26, 2017
   like Arthur Schnitzler and Stefan Zweig-- as
   well as early feminists who decry the lack of         http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2017/10/26/freuds-clay-feet/
   education, including sexual education, for
   women at the time-- paint a picture of life
   that corresponds to Freud's descriptions."

So if Freud seems weird, remember
everyone else was, too:
Humanity was different back then.

Myself, I would absolutely *love*
to find a Freudian willing to
argue that humanity has changed
*because Freud fixed it*.

After all, consider "sexual repression".  The
popularity of Freud's ideas on the subject could
very likely be one of the forces pushing people to
find ways to get out from under sexual repression,
hence the early "free love" movement, and the later
"sexual revolution"-- typically we attribute the
SexRev to technical fixes (antiobiotics and
contraception), but you could argue that those
technical changes had their effect because we were
ready for them to have that effect...
