November 30, 2015

"Superforecasting" (2014) by Tetlock and Gardner

Tetlock and company have been doing some really interesting work,
participating in and winning IARPA tournaments on forecasting
events.  The "predictions" involved are both very precisely
defined, and targeted at a region where intelligent estimates are
possible but certainty is not, on timescales suitable for
tournament rounds that last only a few years.  Players provide
estimates in terms of percentage of probability, and are scored
in a way that rewards being definite as well as being correct--
and interestingly they are allowed to update their estimates

The thing that gets everyone's attention, the headline of nearly
any commentary is that they've come up with some remarkably
simple "debiasing" training: with just about an hour of work,
they can improve your forecasting accuracy by 10%.

This is *really* big news.  For example, Daniel Kahneman
(author of "Thinking Fast and Slow") was very pessimistic
about avoiding cognitive traps through training programs--
he's seen too many examples of trained cognitive scientists
getting taken when they really should've known better.


It's profoundly annoying that the book
"Superforecasting" doesn't focus more on this
debiasing training.  The result is mentioned in the
introduction, and the debiasing material is
presented in an appendix (a list of "ten               QUESTIONING_DEBIASING
commandments"), but outside of that there's no
discussion of it throughout the core of the book.
The first thing I wanted to know is how well
established is this result?  Did they compare the
effect of reading these "ten commandments" to               "Thinking in Time"
reading any other forecasting advice, for example,          is mentioned
a summary of Neustadt and May's "Thinking in Time",         *just* in a
or for that matter to reading the Lord's Prayer?            footnote-- as a
                                                            source of info
Tracing the references, I found a 2014 paper that           about the Cuban
asserts that they're debiasing training was compared        Missle Crisis.
to no-training, but I infer that it hasn't yet been         There's no
compared to *other* training.                               evaluation of
                                                            their decision-
They have however         I submitted a question            making advice.
done some work            about this at Tetlock's
comparing presenting      Long Now talk.  It
the material in           didn't make the cut.
different forms:          Tetlock only barely
written advice,           mentioned this
training video,           debiasing training
etc.  As I remember       during his talk-- when
it, they all work         he mentioned it in
about as well.            passing during the Q&A
                          period, Brand was taken
   DEBIASING              by surprise about it,
                          and very impressed.

                          What *should* have been    As it happens, I have a
                          one of the main focuses    theory about this (which
                          of the talk had been       will come as little
                          sidelined.                 surprise to regular
                                                     readers): this key result
                                                     is not *Tetlock's*
                                                     result, it comes from
                                                     other associated
                            Other                    researchers, so he has a
                            researchers:             (possibly unconscious)
                                                     tendency to downplay it.
