December  4, 2011        
Once upon a time, I was puzzling over these remarks:                       
  "Sartre's public appearences in support                                  
  of these far-left splinter groups were            LAST_DITCH
  the occasions for his most unfortunate                                   
  statements, including the most                                           
  regrettable one of all, when he                                          
  expressed sympathy with the terrorists                                   
  who killed the Israeli Olympic athletes.                                 
  With this one foolish remark, he undid      If the idea is that you need 
  years of work in support of Israel and      to support Israel in order   
  the Jews."                                  to support the Jews, this    
                                              seems pretty dubious.        
                                              It looks like the old rhetorical
                                              dodge of accusing anyone critical
                                              of Israel of being anti-semitic.
      And: one can "express sympathy"                                      
      without condoning action.                                            
And so, I wanted to know the details                                       
of precisely what Sartre said:                                             
The event this is about is the kidnapping of                               
Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olypics                                
in Munich, Germany.  The Palestinian side                                  
kidnapped nine, killing two in the process--        Actually, three of the     
the Munich police then killed everyone              Palestinians were only     
involved, including the hostages.                   wounded.                 
Sartre wrote a very short piece commenting            By present-day standards,
on these events, and published it in an               that shows a remarkable
obscure place where it was essentially                amount of restraint on the
ignored... it was not re-discovered until             part of the police.
around 2003: what controversy there is
about this is fairly recent.
                                           The idea that this
                                           single-handedly undid "years
                                           of work" is pretty nutty.
Some of Sartre's commentary,                           [link]
as reprinted in "Sartre                      
Studies International", Vol                            [link]
9, Issue 2, 2003:                        
   "Those who affirm the sovereignty of the Israeli
   state and also believe Palestinians have a right to
   sovereignty for the same reason, and who take the
   Palestinian question as fundamental, must admit that
   the Israeli establishment’s policy is literally crazy
   and deliberately aims at avoiding all possible
   solutions to this problem. It is therefore politi-
   cally accurate to say that a state of war exists
   between Israel and the Palestinians. In this war the
   Palestinians’ only weapon is terrorism. It is a
   terrible weapon but the oppressed poor have no other,
   and the French who approved FLN 2 terrorism against
   the French must approve in turn the Palestinians’
   terrorist action. "

   " ... it seems perfectly outrageous that the French
   press and a segment of opinion should judge the
   Munich attack an intolerable outrage while one has
   often read dry reports without comment of strikes in
   Tel Aviv that cost several human lives."

   "The Palestinians aimed not at massacring the
   hostages on the spot but at taking them to an Arab
   country where they would have negotiated an exchange
   of Palestinian prisoners in Israel for the
   hostages. Similarly, while we disagree with the
   Israeli government on all other points, we can
   understand that, being at war with the Palestinians,
   Israel would reject all concessions. "

I can see why one might disagree with Sartre's angle
here-- kidnapping civilian hostages doesn't seem like
a way cool thing to do-- but I have to say that his
opinion doesn't strike me as terribly outrageous.

These days, we regularly shrug off things like drone
attacks on civilian gatherings in Pakistan, because
there might be a terrorist in there somewhere.

I don't see how you can justify one and not the other.
