September 15, 2004

The New York State Regents
exam in English had some           As I understand it,
required essay writing...          something like this
                                   is going to be added
                                   to the SAT.
   I did pretty well on it
   because I happened to
   have a rather hard-nosed
   obnoxious English
   teacher who decided that
   his job was to get us to
   score high on this test,
   so he *told us how the
   test was graded*.

   He explained that what the graders
   wanted to see was three paragraphs:
   (1) a one sentence introduction
   that explained what you were going
   to say, (2) a three sentence main
   body that said it, and (3) a one
   sentence conclusion that
   re-iterated the introduction.

      I turned in a completely inane
      "essay" (theme: "Jack Kerouac
      Was Into Freedom", or
      something like that) that was
      in fact completely brain dead,      For me, this success
      but fit this form exactly.          of form-over-substance
                                          was something of a
      If I'd really been prepared,        breakthrough.
      I could have written a half
      dozen generic "essays" in               THE_QUESTION_OF_ESSAYS
      advance, and walked in the
      door with them memorized,
      ready to deal one out in
      response to whatever silly                   In this essay, I intend to
      questions we were given to                   state that brevity is good.
      choose from.
                                                   Brevity is good.  It is
                                                   really, really, good.  I
I've since learned that some                       highly recommend brevity.
people regard "teaching the
test" as some sort of dirty                        In conclusion, I submit
trick; or perhaps caving into                      that it is self-evident
the silly "standardized testing"                   I have stated that
routine letting it corrupt the                     brevity is good.
educational process.

  I was once talking to a
  university professor at a
  technical conference who said
  "Do you know what engineering
  school has the highest rate
  of graduates who pass the
  Professional Engineer exam?
  Idaho State University!
  Because they *teach the

    This was supposed to be a
    reducto ad absurdum, but
    it was a bit lost on me          Idaho State University, was
    because by an odd fluke          located in Pocatello which was the
    I was someone who had            town I was living in while working
    actually taken the class         at the Westinghouse site.  Wimpy
    that he was talking about.       reputation or no, that was where I
                                     took some classes (while working a
    And it actually wasn't           full time Engineering job... I was
    a bad class at all.  It          pretty crazed in those days).
    was only worth a single
    unit (a third or a fourth            There's a paradox about Higher
    of a regular class), so              Education that you don't often
    it's not like there was              hear discussed: there isn't that
    a lot of academic                    much difference between the Good
    incentive for the degree             Schools and the Bad Schools, and
    oriented students (of which          in fact sometimes the Good are
    I certainly wasn't one,              bad and the Bad are good.
    I was taking classes to
    learn stuff).                            I took some classes in digital
                                             electronics at ISU, which were
      From the point of view of              taught by a design engineer who
      learning stuff, mostly it              worked at the local American
      was about doing the sample             Microsystems plant.
      questions in the published
      review book (that anyone                 It isn't conceivable
      could study from in theory).             that I would've learned
      There was a little bit of                more from classes at MIT.
      review/instruction, a little
      bit about test strategy, but               At places like Stanford, while
      not that much.                             there are certainly many great
                                                 professors there are also many
      To the extent that the test was            that aren't.
      well designed, the class had to
      be well designed... why *not*                Successful academics
      teach the material on the test?              bring in funding and
      If that's a *bad* thing to do,               crank out publications,
      doesn't that mean you should                 and they know that
      drop the test?                               education is way down
                                                   the list of priorities.

                                               And some of them got where they
        Sometimes you hear a                   are by being good at sucking up
        rationale from "professors"            and looking good in suits.
        at the Top of the Line         
        schools that runs like:        
          Really the students               
          teach each other, and             
          Good Schools are good             
          because they attract          GROUNDER    
          the best students.       
                     I don't know about you,
                     but that smells like a
                     really lame excuse to me.
