November 14-19, 2006
                                             December     9, 2006

A quirk of internet
history is that the
bloggers have come up    Personally, I think
with a new word for      we need a name for
close-reading and        this tendency of        blogging
point-by-point           web nerds to invent     podcasting    anti-idiotarian
refutation: "fisking";   new -- and usually      wikiwiki
based on someone's       irritating --                               And now,
treatment of a Fisk      words for whatever       redundant,         "tweet"
article.                 they're into at the      juvenile,          for twits
                         moment.                  unmelifuous...     in denial.
                                                                     -- 5/2009
                           Perhaps,               (Almost as
                           "Neologging"           bad as
                             No: almost
                             makes sense,
                             doesn't sound
                             stupid enough.
                                                It doesn't have
                               "English 2.0"?   that *bang* *splat*
                               Closer.          sound that they
One thing that's                                seem to like.
odd about the
term "fisking" is                                  Maybe:
that they thought                                  "bangsplats"
it deserved a
name at all.            There are differences
                        with the usenet
We've been doing        practice, in that
this on usenet          the original author      "Fisking"
for ages.               is expected to be        does have
                        hanging around,          a shouting
And many an academic    defending their work.    at the
paper uses a                                     television    (As I think
quotation and                                    quality        a brit
commentary format..                              about it.      columnist
But then, one of the                    Also, usenet
peculiarities of the                    newsreaders have
bloggers is their deep                  quoted-reply
conviction that it's                    features that
something new under                     aren't broken, so
the sun... they're                      there are many
pioneers of a new                       examples of
technological era!                      repeated exchanges
                                        that go a dozen
They're beginners who                   levels deep or more.
don't know that there
have been many others               It's not unheard of
before them.                        for web "fiskers" to
                                    get "fisked", but        But then in the
  They're proud of the              these exchanges aren't   blog world:
  "democratic" quality              a regular occurrence     perhaps they're
  that blogging                     as they are on usenet.   more likely to
  software brings to                                         write something
  the web, but that, is                                      closer to a
  of course, a mixed                                         finished essay?
  blessing, and the
  usenet world has been                                      They seem to be
  through that and come                                      playing "op-ed"
  out the other side --                                      columist more
                                                             often than
  Look up "the eternal                                       not... though
  september" some time.                                      without editors
                                                             telling them to
                                                             tighten it up.
                             Consider the case of
                             the "original fisk":
                             To my eye, this Sullivan
                             piece is terrible.
                             "Fisking" is supposed      SMEAR_THE_MESSENGER
                             to be good for
                             deflating rhetoric,
                             but what about Sullivan's
                             own rhetoric?

                                On usenet, he
                                would've been
                                shouted down

                                        In fact, the original
                                        author would probably
                                        handle the reply...

                                        Sullivan got in his
                                        attack against someone
                                        who doesn't bother
                                        with the web.

Whatever you call it, there
are difficulties with this            LIGHTNING_WAR
style of commentary:

It's deeply reductionist:

While it can indeed be useful
to highlight parts of a whole
by breaking it down into parts,
the parts are not the whole.

It's entirely possible for an
essay to have something going
for it that is not visible in
each of it's pieces.

Working over the pieces can be a
subtle form of "out of context"
quotation... dangerously subtle,
because the original words may all
be there, quoted in full:

    By choosing the right points to interrupt
    the original, you can throw off the flow --
    and the flow may be where the real meaning

Another issue that's sometimes raised
is something like "Is Fisking Bullying?"

This one just seems misguided --
it's the old politeness business     I find the style of argument
again -- and my take has always      used on wikpedia talk pages to
been that 'tis better to be          be somewhat unnerving.
allowed to be saracastic and
insulting (even if it's not          Almost everyone goes through the
usually adviseable, exactly.)        motions of being civil, consequently
                                     you can't really tell what they're
                                     thinking -- often the civility seems
                                     to be a rote exercise, they're
                                     reciting what they need to say for
                                     legalistic reasons, so that if it goes
                                     to arbitration their tone can't be
                                     held against them.


     "Wholly undeservedly, Robert Fisk has
     become something of a joke online, after
     so-called 'warbloggers' back in 2001
     picked on a single incident in his long
     reporter career to ridicule him as an
     out of touch wet, even racist
     liberal. And this by people whose
     closest contact with the Middle East had
     been their local kebab shop. From there
     we got the nasty term fisking, which
     refers to any sort of unfair argument in
     which an article is not criticised on
     the merits of the whole, but rather is
     taken apart and attacked line by line,
     usually by putdown rather than logical
