January 18, 2012

     At Lawrence Lessig's Long Now talk,
     to close out the evening, they             LONG_SHOT
     selected a question I submitted.

                                          Two unusual events: for me to do
                                          it, and for them to use it.

     The actual question I asked:

     "Could it be that the solution is to
     think longer term than the bad guys?            The first half of
     E.g. push for new rules that ramp up so         my point got through
     gradually they feel like a problem only         the summary, not
     for the next generation of politicians?"        the last.

                                                         But it does go to
                                                         show that if you
     Lessig's response wasn't bad:                       want the Longnow
                                                         crowd to use your
     "When you feel the impossibility of really          question, it's a
      thinking about the ten thousand year               good idea to
      horizon, you’ve got to access that part in         squeeze "long term
      each of us which knows that the rational           thinking" into the
      calculation is not the only reason we do           first few words.
      things.  We celebrate doing things that are
      plainly irrational—loving our children,
      loving our country, loving our planet—even
      though we’ll never see any of those things
      come to the perfection we imagine."

