First version: June 4, 2005
                                Second:        May  3, 2005
                                Third:         May 22, 2005

   Wallace Stevens:
  "To see the nothing that
   is not there ... "

   Washington Square
   Park was under
   assault by Robert
   Moses.               He wanted to build a midtown highway in
                        Manhattan that would have replaced
                        Washington Square Park in Greenwich
   What would that      Village with a highway entrance ramp.
   have done to the
   folk scene?                                               This idea was
                                                             shot down by
   If it had         (Would we have                          "grass-roots"
   happened...       gone into the                           forces organized
   who would be      1960s without                           by people like
   able to see       Bob Dylan?)                             Jane Jacobs.
   the strange
   gap it left                                               Shortly
   in our                                                    afterwards,
   culture?                                                  this Park
                                                             became a
   Hard enough to see                                        venue for
   what's there...                                           folk singers,
                                                             war protests...
   There have been other
   battles that were lost.

   What voids have they
                                    What have we
      We live in shelters           done to
      riddled with holes.           ourselves?

      Surrounded by ghosts...

                                    "... and the nothing that is":


                                        organized crime;

                                        apathy, despair,
