May 26, 2007

Bob Black seems to think                        "The Abolition of Work"
it's crystal clear:                             [ref]
                            THE_ANTIBOB         and "Smokestack Lightning"
Play is what you do for                         [ref]
it's own sake, for it's     DUBIOUS_FLARE
own enjoyment, and work                           (Black claims support
is something done for                             in the ethnographic
some deferred purpose.                            record.  But that's
                                                  what they all say, eh?)
He fantasizes of a pre-economic
time when survival was a             Myself, I have my
side-effect of play, and hopes       doubts that this
for a post-economic utopia to        vision of primitive
come.                                mankind is any more      HOBBESIAN_HOAX
                                     accurate than usual...

    There's a major difficulty in                  But the point is taken
    these definitions though, in                   that they industrialized
    that they rely entirely on                     world knows less
    subjective attitudes.                          about the art of living
                                                   than is commonly admitted.
                           A rock climber may
                           engage in grueling           E.g. Dangerbaby
A man who goes fishing     physical activity            always returns from
on the weekend may         harder than most             Bali stunned by the
indeed be doing it for     people's "work".             sheer quanitites of
it's own sake, and only    After pulling                neurotic stress
be dimly conscious of      oneself over the             cases in the United
the fact that the          top, there's a sense         States.
activity helps him stay    of satisifaction and
alive: he is at "play".    relief that you              People in Bali
But if he realizes that    might call "fun",            certainly have their
he needs to do this (or    but there's very             problems, but they
something like it) in      little of it during          don't have the
order to survive, then     the acutal effort of         American habit of
he is doing "work".        the climb.                   torturing themselves
                                                        with their worries,
So, the distinction                                     and making their lives
between work and                                        worse in a desperate
play can be a matter                                    pursuit of "the
of awareness?              Activity engaged             American dream".
                           in for a deferred
   A boy who plays         reward... is this              She points out
   hard in a high          then "work"?                   they don't have
   school sport                                           a word for "stress"
   may tell themselves        (But actually               in Balinese, they
   that it is not             Black knows about           have to borrow
   "work", but isn't          that ambiguity --           the English.
   there a serious,           he uses the example
   grim purpose               of a poker player --
   underneath it,             but he takes refuge
   a matter of status-        in the common sense
   seeking, a need to         *obviousness*
   impress...?                of the definitions.)

                                  Yeah, okay, so if you believe
                                  in "freedom", you believe
                                  that it's better if people do
                                  things because they want to
    "*If productive play is       rather than because they have to...
    possible, so too is the
    abolition of work.*"
                                      So what is it that
            "Smokestack               people want, exactly?
            from                      How is it you know?
            Fire" (1992)              Are you sure that
                                      *they* know?           In the United
    Actually, of course, that                                States, people
    doesn't follow at all.                                   have an amazing
    That some necessary work                                 knack for wanting
    can be fun does not show                                 what they think
    that all of it can be.                                   they're supposed
                                                             to want.
       What *does* follow, however,
       is you really don't want
       this guy as your roomate,
       unless you like doing            Black reminds me
       someone else's dishes.           of Abbie Hoffman
                                        in "Revolution for
                                        the Hell of It"...

                                        Hoffman shrugged off the idea
                                        of necessary work, suggesting
  A job can start                       that there would always be
  out in a burst                        some Spiro Agnew type who
  of enthusiasm                         wanted to clean the toilets.
  and become a
  grind that must                            (I fear he
  be slogged through                          overestimated
  to reach completion.                        Spiro Agnew).

  If I *wanted* to
  complete it, than
  it was play?

  If I felt I *had*
  to complete it,
  then it was *work*?
