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You aspiring science fiction writers           The astute among you 
want some advice?  Start out writing	       will recognize that you 
"short stories", with occasional	       have to be able to write 
"novelettes".  Magazine editors are	       some saleable short stories 
desperate for short stuff they can	       before this advice will 
pad the table of contents with.  Once	       be of any use. 
you've attracted some editor's		       
attention, write a few "novellas".	           This is left as 
If you can get them published,			   an exercise. 
they're much more likely to win an				
award, because so few of them are
actually written.  

     (You want to know how to win
     a Hugo?  Go to the World    
     Cons and hold parties with  
     lots of free beer.  This is 
     not a joke.)                

After that you're an "award winning"
author, and it's time to think about
agents & novels and all that.  

   If you're really smart,     
   you've written a series of  
   "novellas" that can be stuck
   together into a book.       
