November 21, 2006

When I was in high school
I remember seeing an odd
presentation by a couple                LITTLE_DRUMMER_GIRL
of my fellow students...

They appeared in yamakas
and gave a little talk on
the significance to jewish               I mentioned this to another
people of Israel as a                    Jewish girl I knew, and
symbolic refuge.                         she very carefully
                                         explained that Israel had
   I remember no other                   this meaning to *some*
   discussion of Israel                  Jewish people.
   throughout my education.

   If the conditions it was
   created under in 1948 were
   mentioned in one of my
   "social studies" classes,
   it didn't stick in my

      If it was discussed
      in the newspapers,         (But then, I didn't
      I managed to miss it--     start reading newspapers
                                 seriously until I was
      If they talked about       out of high school).
      it on WBAI -- the
      Pacifica station in
      New York -- I didn't
      pick up on it.
