July 15, 2012

    Recently, Norman Finklestein has
    declared victory in the war of public            http://www.democracynow.org/2012/6/4/norman_finkelstein_waning_jewish_american_support
    opinion over Israel's actions: his take
    is that we all simply know too much
    about it, and it's now impossible for a
    young American Jew to ignore that
    Israel is more often a culprit than a

       "... most American Jews felt at ease with their liberal
       beliefs, their liberal creed, their liberal tenets, and
       supporting—you might say blindly—all of Israel's conduct
       and actions. But over the past 20 or 30 years, in
       particular since the late—early 1990s, a lot more is now
       known about the conflict, not least because of the research
       of Israeli historians and Jewish historians. A lot more is
       now known about the human rights record, through the
       workings of Israeli human rights organizations like
       B'Tselem, but also Amnesty International and Human Rights
       Watch. And a lot more is now known about the diplomatic
       record. Now, Jews tend to be highly literate. They're
       tapped into the circuits of liberal culture in the United
       States. And they now know a lot more. And so, it's much
       more difficult, if not impossible, for American Jews to
       reconcile their liberal beliefs, their liberal creed, with
       the way Israel carries on."

    Good news, of a sort, in an area that's
    often seemed to be without hope-- but        And it's not like we're
    the sheer amount of time that it's           at a point where the US
    taken... the decades of work since 1967      is going to tell Israel
    (of 1982?)...                                to chill out or we'll
                                                 turn off the sugar.
