Abstinence   Revolt of the Cyberchrist  
                           Label: Furnace (Silent)                             

This is Industrial Dance music, but it's genuinely
Industrial (with none of that guitar sample copout
stuff).  The general theme seems to be the creation
of "cybersapiens" which are going to murder all of
the remaining humans (the "bleeders").  Or has this 
happened already?  

Sub-themes: government mind control (11), 
bogusness of the war on drugs (10), etc.

         Distorted Vox              Just Samples
Fast:     _1_, 2, 7(slow start),    _4_, _8_
           9, _11_  
Mid:      _5_                        3  
Mid/Slow:  6                        12
Slow:                              _10_

The explanation for the band name provided in the
liner notes seems poor... they claim they want to 
"abstain" from conformity.  It makes me think the 
name came first and the explanation for it came later.

1 7:02  Mind Games
2 3:50  Interface
3 4:50  Cybersapien
4 3:16  Sickness of Morality
5 5:05  Hunt of the Humans
6 4:21  Betdown
7 5:17  Revolt of the Cyberchrist
8 6:55  Power of the Radio
9 5:18  Frigid Changes
10 6:29 Mechanomorphis
11 5:29 Neurocapacitor 
12 6:12 Multiple Cross Wounds
13 6:31 In the Time of Deception

Contact info:
A division of Silent Records
101 Townsend Suite 206
San Francicso, CA  94109   USA
FAX  415-957-0779