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To: "Joshua Flank" <>
From: Joe Brenner <>
Subject: Re: [Balug-talk] tab completion 
Date: Wed Jan 15 18:16:28 2003

"Joshua Flank" <> wrote:

>      I'm using bash shell and I'm moderately disappointed
> with the capabilities of tab completion. Generally, if I'm
> going to cd into a directory called /foobarbaz, I would type
> in 'cd /fo<tab>' and the shell would complete it for me. IE:
> The shell would finish the line to 'cd /foobarbaz'
>      This is all well and good, but if I created another
> directory called /foobarblech and type in 'cd /fo<tab>' at
> the prompt, the damn shell beeps at me. Yeah, I know that if
> I press <tab> again I will get a listing of possible tab
> completions, but what I really want is tab to cycle through
> the different possibilities in alphabetical order.

Funny, I just took a look at the "eshell" because I figured
it would be extremely customizable (perhaps "insanely
customizable"... it's written in emacs lisp).  But it turns
out it does what you want by default.  Though it seems to go
in reverse alphabetic order rather than alpha order, but I
suspect that's an interaction with some other sort-order
customizations I've done... I've got my dired buffers
listing files in reverse alpha order also.

So, if you're an emacs person, try 

  ESC x eshell

And see what you think. I think it's part of both the xemacs
and gnu emacs standard distributions. 

if you're not an emacs person (yet), you could just do a:

  emacs -f eshell

It looks like there's decent documentation for it, but it's
in "info" form, not in "man"...

Oh, and while you're at it, you might look into the joys of
"dired"... afterwards you might not need tab completion so much. 


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