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From: zentara <>
Subject: Re: Saving an image from canvas
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 07:05:13 -0500

"ckumar" <> wrote:

> I am having a canvas in that i drawing a graph with lines
> and some gif images.I like to save this graph in an jpeg
> or gif or some image format.Is this possible?If possible
> plz help me in saving the graph from a canvas.

Read perldoc Tk::Canvas, and search for postscript.

You can output a postscript file of your canvas like this.
It will give a transparent background unless you put a big
colored rectangle on the $canvas as a background, or you can
edit the ps file afterward.

You can then you Image::Magick to convert the ps file to jpg or

Alternatively, you could just take a screenshot.

use Tk;

#to change the background color, edit the ps file 
#  0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor AdjustColor 
#  fill 

$width = 800;
$height = 500;
my $main = MainWindow->new();
my $canvas = $main->Canvas( -width=>$width, -height=>$height,
$canvas->pack( -expand=>1,-fill=>'both');



    -text    => "Save",
    -command => [sub {
         my @capture=();
         my ($x0,$y0,$x1,$y1)=$canvas->bbox('all');

         $canvas -> postscript(-colormode=>'color',


  ]  )->pack;


sub create{
$canvas->createOval(100, 100, 600, 600,-fill=>'green')



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