
This is part of The Pile, a partial archive of some open source mailing lists and newsgroups.

Subject: Re: emacs-wiki is now a major mode :-(
From: Alex Schroeder <>
Date: 14 May 2001 22:38:28 +0200

Frank Gerhardt <> writes:

> Last comment: Of course I can work around this by switching between
> major modes. Whenever I need special emacs-wiki features I could
> switch to tex-mode or bibtex-mode and then back. That would be a
> pain. 

Well, my original wiki.el continues as a minor mode, at least you
still have a choice.  :)  John forked from wiki.el for similar reasons
-- he wanted to add lots of stuff I was not interested in.

John Wiegley <> writes:

>  5. Fork the project...

Hehe.  :)

I still maintain the old code and occasionally I write a little bit of
code and include it on my web pages.  Additions to the core wiki.el
there are elisp files for page summaries, private pages, page language
and spelling, extended link syntax, interwiki links, and anchors.

"Emacsen <v21 do not support proportional fonts; use XEmacs or wait for v21."

Subject: Re: emacs-wiki is now a major mode :-(
From: Alex Schroeder <>
Date: 16 May 2001 01:20:51 +0200

Frank Gerhardt <> writes:

> What about writing something on

Indeed, maybe we should do a more in-depths analysis.
Let me list a few things from the top of my head:

* I wanted new additions to be kept in their own files in order to keep
  the core functionality simple.
* I didn't care much for fancy publishing rules (lisp environments,
  verbatim environments, etc.)
* I didn't care much for httpd.el (using Emacs as a web server)
* John cared very much about integrating as many other Emacs features
  into the wiki mode (ie. flyspell)
* John cared very much about efficiency (ie. using font-lock,
  therefore requiring a major-mode)

I've added this to --
the new URL for the Emacs Wiki!

"Try it with emacs -q --no-site-file to be sure that it isn't your .emacs."

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