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To: dbi-users@perl.org
From: Rick Edwards <ricke@mjr.com>
Subject: Re: First record only with DBD::CSV
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:03:40 -0400

On Thursday 19 July 2001 11:50 am, you wrote:
> I'm using DBD::CSV v0.1027 with DBI v1.18 and perl 5.6.1 on RedHat Linux
> and it seems as though DBD::CSV only fully processes files saved in DOS
> format(?!).  If I save them in UNIX format only the first row makes it into
> each of the tables.
> Is this deliberate?

The default value for the eol is '\r\n' which is the EOL in DOS.

You can set up your connection like this:

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:")
   or die "Cannot connect to CSV database: $DBI::erstr\n";;
my $columnNames = [
$dbh->{'csv_tables'}->{my_table} = {
   'eol' => "\n"
   'file' => "my_table.csv",
   'col_names' => $columnNames



To: dbi-users@perl.org
From: Rick Edwards <ricke@mjr.com>
Subject: Re: First record only with DBD::CSV
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:25:53 -0400

Oops, I forgot to add 'skip_rows' to that last bit.

$dbh->{'csv_tables'}->{my_table} = {
   'eol' => "\n"
   'file' => "my_table.csv",
   'skip_rows' => 0,
   'col_names' => $columnNames

It also assumes that the first row of the data file *does not* contain the 
column names. If your file does then leave off the 'skip_rows' and 
'col_names' bits.


the rest of The Pile (a partial mailing list archive)
