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From: darren chamberlain <>
Subject: Re: help: LWP::Simple within a mod_perl context
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:29:35 -0500

Matthew Kennedy <> said something to this effect on 01/28/2002:
> Hello, I am using LWP::Simple within a mod_perl context to
> retrieve content from an external site within a request to our
> site. I've installed LWP::Simple correctly, however is doesn't
> work within mod_perl and (I suspect) it doesn't work work
> within a regular CGI app.
> I wrote a simple script and ran it "su - apache -c
> '/path/to/script'" and it doesn't return any content. It does
> return content for real user id's though (eg. su - mkennedy
> ...). So I suspect the apache user cannot use LWP::Simple
> because LWP::Simple is requiring some rights user apache does
> not have.

Have you tried running this as the apache user:

$ /path/to/perl -MLWP::Simple -le 'getprint "http://my.url/to/get"'

This will tell you if the problem is with LWP::Simple or
something else.

Next, do a little ls -l `perldoc -l LWP::Simple` and make sure
that the permissions are right.



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