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Subject: Re: [HACKERS] coming ColdFusion support for PostgreSQL
From: Lamar Owen <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:59:07 -0500

"Ross J. Reedstrom" wrote:
> This _will_ lead to more commercial type users, I can guarantee.
> Especially since the examples will be there. Lamar, we should make sure
> that they detect the RPM install correctly, so that the examples just
> work, right out of the box. I can image a lot of "throw together a demo,
> using a DB backend, oh, here's PostgreSQL, I can use that" systems ending
> up in production, since it'll just keep working.

If you, as a beta tester for Cold Fusion, can let me know what they're
looking for, then I can oblige them with no problem. :-)

I am going to have to make it easier for third party software to detect
the RPM installation -- while things have settled down on where things
are, I have been considering moving some things around -- in particular,
the location of PGDATA is likely to move in 7.0 RPM's unless I hear a
cry otherwise.  Currently, PGDATA is /var/lib/pgsql, I'm considering
changing that to /var/lib/pgsql/data, which is more in line with the
standard installation.  This gives me the whole /var/lib/pgsql tree for
backups and other temp data that I need to move out of /usr/lib/pgsql.

I am open to suggestions -- environment variables perhaps?

I am going to look at Olivers Debian packages more closely so that I can
use the same envvar names for consistency, if I do use envvars.


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