
This is part of The Pile, a partial archive of some open source mailing lists and newsgroups.

Subject: Re: [Slashcode] Gettin' Hits
From: "Frank Martini" <fmartini@cadencedevelopment.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 10:28:44 -0500

I think the best way is porn.
Other than that, it's a real dogfight. The best success we've had drawing
visitors to any site, was when the site was mentioned in the local media (we
have an endorsement from a local 'celebrity'). We also had success by
advertising on a niche eZine. The distribution was about 15,000 readers for
a cost of around $170. I think we figured we were paying about 10cents a
'hit'. It's a bit pricey, but about 10% of those people return to the site.

Ya know, I once heard an FBI man talk about how money laundering was so
hurtful to competing businesses-- the launderer has to feed his business
with cash in order to declare legitimate profits. He also has to spend some
cash to keep his books from being suspect (advertising, remodeling, etc.).
In a way, it's the same thing with the web. We're all up against these guys
fresh off their IPOs... loaded with cash and sucking up hits like crazy.
It's virtually impossible to compete. About the best we can do is wait for
them to run out of IPO money and have to live off their profits. I can
proudly say that our small business is _still_ more profitable than Yahoo
and Amazon.com put together-- and probably more innovative. (Of course, we
all know that's not saying much.)


> I recently put up a site, http://www.gosports.org, and
> now am trying to get people to view and participate.
> What can I do to get traffic to my site?
> I know this list normally focuses on the slash code,
> but I have seen conversations diverge to such topics
> before, since it deals with the experience of running
> such a site.
> I was hoping people could share the ways that they
> have been most successful in driving traffic to their
> site.  What sort of tactics and practices did you use?
>  Has anyone had success with a press release?  Link
> exchanges?  Anyone done advertising?  What works?
> Would this be a worthy article under, Ask Slashcode,
> on the site as well?
> Thanks for all the help.
> --Matt
> http://www.gosports.org


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