Experimental Image::BoxFind module: Image/t/07-determine_pixpat_transverse.t
# Test file created outside of h2xs framework.
# Run this like so: `perl Image-BoxFind.t'
# doom@kzsu.stanford.edu 2007/10/20 23:12:54
use warnings;
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 0;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 13 };
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw( basename );
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../..";
my $lib = "$Bin/../..";
BEGIN { #1
use_ok( 'Image::BoxFind' );
# 2
ok(1, "Traditional: If we made it this far, we're ok.");
my $test_name = "average_array_of_colors";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( {
} );
my @colors = ('10878,10900,10878,0',
my $expected = '9446,9427,9402,0';
my $result = $bf->average_array_of_colors(\@colors);
is( $result, $expected ,"Testing $test_name" );
@colors = ( '10878,10900,10878,0',
$expected = '9446,9427,9402,0';
$result = $bf->average_array_of_colors(\@colors);
is( $result, $expected ,"Testing $test_name" );
my $test_name = "determine_pixpat_transverse";
my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/simple_test.jpeg";
my $basename = basename( $image_file );
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
} );
# $bf->set_spotsize_x( 3 );
# $bf->set_spotsize_y( 4 );
$bf->set_forward_horizon( 3 );
$bf->set_transverse_horizon( 4 );
my $result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 10, 10 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
my $white = '65535,65535,65535,0';
my $expected = [ $white, $white, $white, $white ];
is_deeply( $result, $expected
,"Testing $test_name on $basename 3x4 x+ (10,10) white bg" );
my $test_name = "determine_pixpat_transverse";
my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/simple_test.png";
my $basename = basename( $image_file );
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
} );
$bf->set_forward_horizon( 3 );
$bf->set_transverse_horizon( 4 );
my $result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 100, 7 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
my $expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected
,"Testing $test_name on $basename 3x4 x+ (100,7) above green box" );
my $test_name = "determine_pixpat_transverse";
my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/firefox_save_as.png";
my $basename = basename( $image_file );
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
} );
# $bf->set_spotsize_x( 3 );
# $bf->set_spotsize_y( 8 );
$bf->set_forward_horizon( 3 );
$bf->set_transverse_horizon( 8 );
my $result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 200, 11 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
my $expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected
,"Testing $test_name on $basename 3x8 x+ (200,11) 'Name' box" );
$result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 320, 128 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
$expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected
,"Testing $test_name on $basename 3x8 x+ (320,128) 'Cancel' button" );
# $bf->set_spotsize_x( 8 );
# $bf->set_spotsize_y( 3 );
$bf->set_forward_horizon( 3 );
$bf->set_transverse_horizon( 8 );
$result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 112, 25 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
$expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected ,"Testing $test_name on $basename 8x3 y+ (112,25) 'Name' box" );
# $bf->set_spotsize_x( 8 );
# $bf->set_spotsize_y( 1 );
$bf->set_forward_horizon( 1 );
$bf->set_transverse_horizon( 8 );
$result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 112, 25 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
$expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected ,"Testing $test_name on $basename 8x1 y+ (112,25) 'Name' box" );
$bf->set_spotsize_x( 8 );
$bf->set_spotsize_y( 1 );
$result = $bf->determine_pixpat_transverse( 112, 26 );
$bf->debug( "determine_pixpat_transverse: " . Dumper($result) . "\n" );
$expected = [
is_deeply( $result, $expected ,"Testing $test_name on $basename 8x3 y+ (112,26) 'Name' box" );
my $test_name = "has_pixpat_changed";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( {
} );
my ($pixpat1, $pixpat2, $ret);
$pixpat1 = [
@{ $pixpat2 } = @{ $pixpat1 };
$ret = $bf->has_pixpat_changed( $pixpat1, $pixpat2 );
is( $ret, '', "Testing $test_name with no change");
$pixpat2 = [
$ret = $bf->has_pixpat_changed( $pixpat1, $pixpat2 );
is( $ret, 1, "Testing $test_name with a slight change");
Joseph Brenner,
Tue Nov 27 17:40:02 2007