Experimental Image::BoxFind module:    Image/t/08-follow_pixpat_methods.t

     # Test file created outside of h2xs framework.
# Run this like so: `perl Image-BoxFind.t'
#   doom@kzsu.stanford.edu     2007/10/22 03:04:14

use warnings;
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 0;

use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };

use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw( basename );

use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../..";
my $lib = "$Bin/../..";

BEGIN { #1
  use_ok( 'Image::BoxFind' );

# 2
ok(1, "Traditional: If we made it this far, we're ok.");

  my $test_name = "follow_pixpat_x_plus";
  my $image_file = "$Bin/dat/images/firefox_save_as.png";
  my $basename = basename( $image_file );
  $basename =~ s{\.png$}{}x;
  my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { image_file => $image_file,
                                  DEBUG      => $DEBUG,
                                } );

  {# 3
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (3, 4);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (190, 11);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_x_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ 477, $y0 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box top edge" );

  {# 4
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (3, 4);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (155, 32);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_x_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ 477, $y0 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box bottom edge" );

  {# 5
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (3, 4);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (338, 128);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_x_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ 386, $y0 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Cancel' button" );

  {# 6
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (3, 4);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (30, 90);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_x_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ 31, $y0 ];  # Stopped instantly. Use a fuzzier test? TODO
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'B' in 'Browse'" );

  {# 7
    $test_name = "follow_pixpat_y_plus";
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (4, 3);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (112, 19);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_y_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ $x0, 31 ];  # stops a few pixels early cause of spotwidth TODO
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box left side" );

  {# 8
    $test_name = "follow_pixpat_y_plus";
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (4, 3);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (478, 14);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_y_plus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ $x0, 31 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box right side" );

  {# 9
    $test_name = "follow_pixpat_x_minus";
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (3, 4);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (413, 46);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_x_minus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ 112, $y0 ];   # in the minus direction charges *past* target by spot width TODO
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'folder' box top side" );

  {# 10
    $test_name = "follow_pixpat_y_minus";
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (4, 3);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (478, 28);
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixpat_y_minus( $x0, $y0 );
    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ $x0, 13 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box right side" );

  {# 11
    $test_name = "follow_pixel_pattern";
    my ($spot_x, $spot_y) = (4, 3);
    $bf->set_spotsize_x( $spot_x );
    $bf->set_spotsize_y( $spot_y );

    my ($x0, $y0) = (478, 28);
    $bf->set_cursor_x( $x0 );
    $bf->set_cursor_y( $y0 );
    my $end_point = $bf->follow_pixel_pattern('y_minus');

    $bf->debug( "determine_pixpat: " . Dumper($end_point) . "\n" );

    my $spot_str = $spot_x . 'x' . $spot_y;
    my $expected_end = [ $x0, 13 ];
    is_deeply( $end_point, $expected_end,
               "Testing $test_name on $basename 'y_minus' $spot_str ($x0,$y0) 'Name' box right side" );


### TODO could also test:
#   detected_change
# if I actually cared to use it for any reason.


Joseph Brenner, Tue Nov 27 17:40:02 2007