Experimental Image::BoxFind module: Image/t/11-looks_like_edge.t
# Test file created outside of h2xs framework.
# Run this like so: `perl Image-BoxFind.t'
# doom@kzsu.stanford.edu 2007/10/22 04:50:12
use warnings;
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 1; # TODO set to 0 before ship
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 14 };
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw( basename );
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../..";
BEGIN { #1
use_ok( 'Image::BoxFind' );
ok(1, "Traditional: If we made it this far, we're ok.");
my @edge_pixpats;
push @edge_pixpats,
push @edge_pixpats,
push @edge_pixpats,
push @edge_pixpats,
push @edge_pixpats,
push @edge_pixpats,
my @not_edge_pixpats;
push @not_edge_pixpats,
push @not_edge_pixpats,
push @not_edge_pixpats,
push @not_edge_pixpats,
push @not_edge_pixpats,
push @not_edge_pixpats,
my $test_name = "looks_like_edge";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { DEBUG => $DEBUG,
} );
$bf->set_edge_contrast_cutoff( 10 );
my $expected = 1;
foreach my $pixpat (@edge_pixpats) {
my $result = $bf->looks_like_edge( $pixpat );
is( $result, $expected, "Testing $test_name" ) or
print STDERR "Unexpected fail:". Dumper( $pixpat ). "\n";
my $test_name = "does NOT looks_like_edge";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { DEBUG => $DEBUG,
} );
$bf->set_edge_contrast_cutoff( 10 );
my $expected = '';
foreach my $pixpat (@not_edge_pixpats) {
my $result = $bf->looks_like_edge( $pixpat );
is( $result, $expected, "Testing $test_name" ) or
print STDERR "Unexpected pass:". Dumper( $pixpat ). "\n";
# The following were experiments to see how it behaves with
# a low cutoff of only 2. Answer: still identifies all the real
# edges, but also passes one of my negative cases.
my $test_name = "looks_like_edge LOW CUTOFF";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { DEBUG => $DEBUG,
} );
$bf->set_edge_contrast_cutoff( 2 );
my $expected = 1;
foreach my $pixpat (@edge_pixpats) {
my $result = $bf->looks_like_edge( $pixpat );
is( $result, $expected, "Testing $test_name" ) or
print STDERR "Unexpected fail:". Dumper( $pixpat ). "\n";
my $test_name = "does NOT looks_like_edge LOW CUTOFF";
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( { DEBUG => $DEBUG,
} );
$bf->set_edge_contrast_cutoff( 2 );
my $expected = '';
foreach my $pixpat (@not_edge_pixpats) {
my $result = $bf->looks_like_edge( $pixpat );
is( $result, $expected, "Testing $test_name" ) or
print STDERR "Unexpected pass:". Dumper( $pixpat ). "\n";
Joseph Brenner,
Tue Nov 27 17:40:02 2007