Experimental Image::BoxFind module: Image/t/17-center_on_edge.t
# Test file created outside of h2xs framework.
# Run this like so: `perl Image-BoxFind.t'
# doom@kzsu.stanford.edu 2007/10/22 04:50:12
use warnings;
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 0;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 14 };
use Test::Number::Delta;
use File::Basename qw( basename fileparse);
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../..";
use lib "$Bin/lib";
BEGIN { #1
use_ok( 'Image::BoxFind' );
use Image::BoxFind::Testing::Eyeballs ':all';
ok(1, "Traditional: If we made it this far, we're ok.");
my $image_bin = "$Bin/dat/images";
### x_plus direction
my $bf_attributes = {
pixpat_delta_method => 'has_pixpat_changed_past_threshold',
allow_pixpat_drift => 1,
pixpat_threshold => 500,
rectangle_finder => 'boxfind_downward_via_pixpat',
direction => 'x_plus',
# spotsize_x => 3,
# spotsize_y => 4,
refocus_factor => 4,
forward_horizon => 3,
transverse_horizon => 4,
# looks_like_edge => 10, # TODO play with this?
# edge_contrast_cutoff => 10,
edge_contrast_cutoff => 100,
# used by 'looks_rectangular'
fuzziness => 5,
minimum_height => 10,
minimum_width => 10,
# used by 'roughly_raster'
beware => 0,
step_x => 25,
step_y => 10,
my @image_cases = # For the x_plus direction
( {
image_file => "$image_bin/firefox_save_as.png",
start => [430,122],
fin => 127,
image_file => "$image_bin/firefox_save_as.png",
start => [200,28],
fin => 31,
image_file => "$image_bin/rhythmbox_prefs.png",
start => [200,11],
fin => 16,
image_file => "$image_bin/rhythmbox_prefs.png",
start => [245,70],
fin => 77,
image_file => "$image_bin/gimp_open_dialog.png",
start => [470,355],
fin => 359,
image_file => "$image_bin/gimp_open_dialog.png",
start => [330,0],
fin => 10,
image_file => "$image_bin/gimp_open_dialog.png",
start => [500,0],
fin => 12,
image_file => "$image_bin/firefox_save_as.png",
start => [300,65],
fin => 71,
image_file => "$image_bin/rhythmbox_prefs.png",
start => [200,0],
fin => 0,
my $test_name = "Testing center_on_edge direction: x_plus";
foreach my $image_case ( @image_cases ) {
my $image_file = $image_case->{image_file};
my $basename = ( fileparse($image_file, qr{\.png} ) )[0];
my $extra_attributes =
image_file => $image_file,
my @keys = (keys %{ $extra_attributes });
@{ $bf_attributes }{ @keys } = @{ $extra_attributes }{ @keys };
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( $bf_attributes );
my ($x0, $y0) = @{ $image_case->{start} };
my $expected_y = $image_case->{fin};
my $end_point = $bf->center_on_edge( $x0, $y0 );
my $result = $end_point->[1];
my $tolerance = 2;
delta_within( $result, $expected_y, $tolerance,
"$test_name $basename start: ($x0, $y0) finish: $expected_y" );
### The 'y_plus' direction
$bf_attributes = {
pixpat_delta_method => 'has_pixpat_changed_past_threshold',
allow_pixpat_drift => 1,
pixpat_threshold => 500,
rectangle_finder => 'boxfind_downward_via_pixpat',
direction => 'y_plus',
# spotsize_x => 3,
# spotsize_y => 4,
refocus_factor => 4,
forward_horizon => 3,
transverse_horizon => 4,
# looks_like_edge => 10, # TODO play with this?
# edge_contrast_cutoff => 2,
edge_contrast_cutoff => 100,
# used by 'looks_rectangular'
fuzziness => 5,
minimum_height => 10,
minimum_width => 10,
# used by 'roughly_raster'
beware => 0,
step_x => 25,
step_y => 10,
@image_cases =
( {
image_file => "$image_bin/firefox_save_as.png",
start => [110,65],
fin => 112,
image_file => "$image_bin/rhythmbox_prefs.png",
start => [237,110],
fin => 241,
image_file => "$image_bin/gimp_open_dialog.png",
start => [203,200],
fin => 209,
$test_name = "Testing center_on_edge direction: y_plus";
foreach my $image_case ( @image_cases ) {
my $image_file = $image_case->{image_file};
my $basename = ( fileparse($image_file, qr{\.png} ) )[0];
my $extra_attributes =
image_file => $image_file,
my @keys = (keys %{ $extra_attributes });
@{ $bf_attributes }{ @keys } = @{ $extra_attributes }{ @keys };
my $bf = Image::BoxFind->new( $bf_attributes );
my ($x0, $y0) = @{ $image_case->{start} };
my $expected_x = $image_case->{fin};
my $end_point = $bf->center_on_edge( $x0, $y0 );
my $result = $end_point->[0];
my $tolerance = 2;
delta_within( $result, $expected_x, $tolerance,
"$test_name $basename start: ($x0, $y0) finish: $result" );
Joseph Brenner,
Tue Nov 27 17:40:02 2007