September 30, 2008
October 12, 2008
"Men of Tomorrow" (2004) by Gerard Jones
"In the archaeology of popular culture,
the August 1928 issue of _Amazing
Stories_ appears again and again as a
pivotal memory of a generation of
moviemakers, science ficiton writers,
cartoonists, astronomers, futurists,
and rocket engineers. Against a lucid He's also gripping a
yellow background floats a man in a glowing joy-stick
skintight red costume, leather pilot's phallus attached to
helmet, and sleek black boots, his body his back-pack by a cable.
prone but angling upward in an attitude
of nascent flight." p. 30
That was an illustration by
Frank R. Paul for "The The same issue contained
Skylark of Space". "Armageddon 2419,"
by Philip Francis Nowlan,
SKYLARK the story that was adapted
to become Buck Rodgers.